Have You Thought About Swapping Caffeine for Cannabis?

Caffeine and Cannabis - Thinking about swapping Caffeine for Cannabis? Learn more about the effects of caffeine versus cannabis and which daytime strains cannabis connoisseurs choose for their daily energy.

There are several terpenes in medical marijuana that promote alertness, energy and memory retention. Patients who prefer a non-addictive addition to their morning routine, reach for a cannabis strain, which they trust to provide a perfect “wake and bake.” That phrase has long been used by cannabis consumers who rely on the natural herb to help them get going each day.  However, many adults still insist on waking up to the aromatics of freshly brewed coffee, even though, “the FDA estimates toxic effects, like seizures, can be observed with rapid consumption of around 1,200 milligrams of caffeine, or 0.15 tablespoons of pure caffeine.”

It’s likely that most coffee-lovers are unaware of the toxins in coffee beans. From mold to pesticides and herbicides that can cause an array of health conditions, the toxins can be avoided altogether by swapping coffee for cannabis. Coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world, so it’s not surprising that traces are left for human consumption.  To say the least, it’s imperative to find organic, fair-trade coffee if you plan to keep it as a go-to booster.

So, what causes us to wake up groggy in the first place?

When we get awakened suddenly, we may experience sleep inertia, which is a cognitive, sensory-motor impairment, which may cause drowsiness, disorientation, difficulty concentrating, poor decision making and difficulty performing fine motor skills.  If we don’t get into a good sleep routine, this may cause trouble sleeping, leading to poor sleep hygiene practices. These may include, varying bedtime and wake time or an uncomfortable sleep environment.

Some medical marijuana patients’ dose indica forward strains to promote sleep and allow them to get to bed on time.  Others choose these types of strains to treat restless leg syndrome, PTSD and other symptoms that lead to unrest.  Cannabis hybrid strains like Ice Cream Cake and Purple Punch offer terpenes and cannabinoids that patients find helpful for getting a good night’s sleep.  Shiv Modi (verified purchase, Feb. 19, 2024) is a big fan of Purple Punch and expressed, “great outdoor flower for nighttime, straightforward indica with an incredible muscle relaxant, easy sleepings.”

These days, it’s not just coffee, but the caffeine in energy drinks, matcha tea, chocolate and other sources, which are relied upon to pump the adrenals and get things rolling.  In fact, there have been a few instances of over consumption, which caused fatalities within hours of consuming over-caffeinated beverages. According to the FDA, healthy people can safely consume as much as 400 mg of caffeine per day, however daily overdosing can promote serious health concerns including cardiac arrest and fatalities.

Other dangerous side effects include dehydration, irregular heartbeat and heart failure.  Medical marijuana could be used as a safe non-toxic, non-addictive supplement throughout the day.  In fact, cannabis not only provide an energy boost, but some strains are very uplifting as well.  Compared to caffeine, which often leads to impatiens and irritably.

How do you know if you’ve consumed more caffeine than you can tolerate?

  • insomnia
  • jitters
  • anxiousness
  • fast heart rate
  • upset stomach
  • nausea
  • headache
  • a feeling of unhappiness (dysphoria)


Those who are new to medical marijuana may want to try microdosing the herb throughout the day and first-time users may find it best to start on a day when you don’t have any other priorities.  It might also be helpful to take notes, especially if you plan to test various strains. In fact, taking a sub-perceptible amount could provide the best outcome for daytime upliftment and performance.

Factors to consider in choosing  choosing your daytime strain when swapping caffeine for cannabis

There are a few important factors to consider when choosing your daytime cannabis medicine, if you wish to harness the harmonious effect of energy, focus and upliftment.  For starters, strains that have a little CBD along with the THC might help to prevent any lapse in short term memory as well as over-stimulation that may cause anxiety or paranoia.  Some believe that a 2:1 ratio of THC to CBD is a good starting point, but additional amounts of CBD could provide additional benefits, such as relief from pain and inflammation.  On days when your focus and memory are vital, keep this in mind.

Medical marijuana contains hundreds of chemical compounds, which have proven to be beneficial in treating a variety of health conditions. An important component of the plant are terpenes, an aromatic hydrocarbon found throughout flora in nature and used for centuries to treat many health conditions. They’re the primary element in essential oils. In nature, plants release terpenes to both attract pollinators and defend against predators.

When it comes to making choices of medical marijuana strains, you could consider that a hybrid, sativa or indica is the driver and the terpenes are giving the directions as to the target of the effects.  The terpenes that may prove to be much more beneficial than your morning brew include a-pinene, terpinolene, limonene and phellandrene.

Daytime Strains To Consider For Caffeine Replacement

According to some lab data, the Jack Herer strain contains a synergistic combination of some of the best terpenes for daytime use, including  terpinolene, caryophyllene and pinene. Some patients choose medical marijuana in the morning out of necessity for a brighter morning free from pain, sleep inertia or even the occasional hangover.  The award winning, Super Lemon Haze is a favorite wake and bake among patients.  This hybrid sativa strain contains beta-caryophyllene, terpinolene, humulene, and myrcene. It has an exceptional terpen profile that has proven to be notorious for offering pain relief, energy and creativity.

A third hybrid sativa strain that has proven to be useful for patients who suffer from fatigue is Golden Goat, which contains a combination of terpenes including phellandrene, known to have energizing effects. Alpha-phellandrene is thought to boost energy and relieve pain and inflammation, thus improving one’s quality of life.

Amida Autry (verified purchase, June 2, 2022) prefers Green Crack, and stated, “works great for my ADHD, but I sought to maximize the potential of my hyperactivity rather than sedate it; 3-4 hits for breakfast and a hit here and there throughout the day kinda gives me a get up and go that allows my mind and body to at least keep pace with each other. Awesome alternative for someone who should never ever consume caffeine. This is my new thing.”

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