Vibration is All Around Us In the world we live in science shows us that everything is energy, even a rock is alive on the quantum level. All physical matter...
The Importance of Proper Nutrition Did you know that proper nutrition can drastically change your health? The body is a perfect machine, it is able to maintain flawless health as...
Basic Philosophy 101 Can Help Us Change Our Thoughts and Outcomes There are many Philosophies and different belief systems on the planet, luckily in our age, we have access to...
Your Inner Speech Controls Your Outer Reality The conversation we have in our heads all day creates the reality that we will experience. These thought patterns are influenced by past...
The Subconscious Mind is an amazing tool! We can use our subconscious minds to rewrite bad habits, create uplifting programs and obliterate destructive ones. This mind is perfect for holding...
Thoughts On Healing I write this letter from my heart and believe it will find you in an open mind. Everything I share I believe to be true and ask...
Creating Your Future Through Quantum Physics I am going to simplify quantum physics to show you how to create your life by design instead of living by default. Quantum physics...