Cancel Stress with Cannabis

Cancel Stress with Cannabis

From unpredictable weather patterns to wars and politics, the global community is experiencing unprecedented levels of stress. Over a century ago, Dr. Hans Selye (1907-1982) developed the stress theory after monitoring his hospitalized patients, who all appeared sick, no matter what ailment caused them to be admitted. He determined that they were all suffering from stress. Ultimately, he conducted research on the hypothetical non-specific response of an organism to stressors and concluded that stress underpinned these signs and symptoms of illness. He postulated that stress was present in an individual throughout the entire period of exposure to a nonspecific demand and went on to link the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to the way the body mediates stress. Stress is a choreographed state involving the acute release of neurotransmitters from the sympathetic and central nervous systems, “not a mere psychological term, and is encountered by all individuals during a period of illness.”

Stress can develop at any age and isn’t only noticeable in hospitalized patients, but also stems from mental demands. Random triggers of major or minor upheavals can leave one feeling out of control and in turn ignite the fight-or-flight response. In the past decades, the world has been upended with events that shake our communities to the core. In the past, stress would typically be relegated to young people trying to make their way in the world, struggling to pay the bills or pass an exam. However, these days, with random violence becoming the norm, we’re left to feel like playthings at the hands of random chaos. As people would have it, medical marijuana is increasing in accessibility and popularity. Published findings indicate that, “high THC/high CBD cannabis was best for reducing perceived symptoms of stress.”

 Some Modern-Day Causes of Stress

  • Perceived difficulties and potentially insurmountable problems
  • Unexpected changes in life and routine
  • Overwhelming hassles throughout the day
  • Overly connected to our smart devices
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Lack of coping skills/resilience
  • Career Burnout
  • Tragic weather conditions
  • Random rage and violence
  • Divided families and communities

Medical marijuana patients have reviewed many hybrid strains and indicate that it works to relieve stress stemming from emotions and/or anxiety. In addition to mental stress, patients may also find relief from problem-related stress by practicing meditation, walking in nature and getting a good night’s sleep. The American Heart Association highly recommends spending time in nature to reduce and relieve stress. What better way to enhance that than with medical marijuana? Cannabis lovers tend to really appreciate being in nature and enjoy the natural upliftment. William M. (verified purchase, July 21, 2022), reviewed the
Grape Ape hybrid strain and wrote, “I love this one. it has a dark golden oil which is always the best, the flavor is  njoyable…it helps a lot with my physical pain/muscle spasms and is also very nice for relieving stress.”

Are You Ready To Be Pain Free?

Be Pain Free Global Is A Recognized Leader In The Medical Cannabis Space. If you would like to learn more about Be Pain Free Global, how to get your medical recommendation, or how to join our collective, you can reach out to us via the chat button on our website, or call us at 1-888-420-3848.

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