Aging Adults, Mental Health & Medical Marijuana

Aging Adults are Coping with Mental Health and Medicating with Marijuana

Overcoming common mental health disorders can be a challenge for anyone. For aging elderly, emotional, psychological and social well-being tends to decrease as loved ones become lost, chronic pain levels rise and challenging cognitive impairment begins to surface.  These predicaments can trigger an array of burdensome changes in an elder’s lifestyle.  We are creatures of habit and change doesn’t come easy for any of us.  Reducing pain and increasing awareness can help to overcome unexpected changes, which is likely why cannabis use in the elderly population is on the rise.

According to research performed through the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, those adults aged 65 and over are turning to medical marijuana for relief. “The use of cannabis continues to increase among older adults nationally. We determined that a number of key subgroups experienced marked increases in cannabis use, including women, racial/ethnic minorities, those with higher family incomes, and those with mental health problems” (Jama Internal Medicine).

In fact, findings concluded that the demographics of this group increased from 11% in 2009 to 35% in 2021 and within the group of those aged 60-64, 50% of them are experimenting with the benefits of cannabinoids through gummies, tinctures and capsules.  According to an article published on, “seniors are the fastest growing cannabis clientele” (De Vise, Daniel, 08/18/23). Cargile’s Sacramento dispensary caters to inquisitive elders, many of which are baby-boomers seeking complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for various reasons.  Some of them wish to get off of prescription opioids and others as a healthy replacement for alcohol, often consumed to alleviate pain. They explain that, in comparison to the younger crowd, the elderly are trying low doses with thoughtful planning.

Although the elderly themselves are seeking CAM’s, informed family and friends who notice behavioral changes may offer acceptance, guidance and assistance when starting a cannabis care plan.  As subtle changes become more prevalent, knowing which cannabinoids could be most helpful is imperative.  Elders not only dislike change, but won’t be pleased with unexpected surprises from marijuana medication. Knowledge is the key to success. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a beginning stage of dementia and research indicates that cannabidiol (CBD) may help with the irritation and anxiety that accompanies it.

What are symptoms of mental decline in older adults?

  • Significant changes in mood, energy level or appetite
  • Feeling tristful which may be accompanied with depression, anxiety and/or irritability
  • Frequent occurrences of insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Difficulty concentrating, feeling restless or edgy
  • Increased worry or feeling stressed
  • Anger or aggressiveness
  • Frequent headaches, digestive issues or pain
  • Misuse of alcohol or drugs
  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts
  • Engaging in high-risk activities
  • (OCD) Obsessive thinking or compulsive behavior
  • Thoughts or behaviors that interfere with work, family or social life
  • Propensity towards thinking or behavior that is concerning to loved-ones
  • Hallucinating

According to scientific literature, the risk factors for mental disorders in older adults are socio-demographic, but also economic, psychological, and physical and the significant incidence of mental disorders among nursing home residents should be noted. “Mental health conditions among older people are often underrecognized and undertreated, and the stigma surrounding these conditions can make people reluctant to seek help.”

Risk Factors Include:

  • By 2030, one in six people in the world will be aged 60 years or over.
  • Loneliness and social isolation are key risk factors for mental health conditions in later life.
  • One in six older adults experience abuse, often by their own carers.
  • Approximately 14% of adults aged 60 and over live with a mental disorder.
  • Mental disorders among older adults account for 10.6% of the total years lived with disability for this age group.

Treatment and care for our elders includes prompt recognition.  MCI may increase the risk of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease or other brain disorders, however, sometimes those with mild cognitive impairment never get worse and some actually improve.  Therapies for dementia include music, cognitive stimulation therapy, aromatherapy, validation therapy and more. “For people with dementia and their caregivers, it can be difficult to find activities that strike the right balance between being supportive, being socially appropriate and, of course, being fun. As the disease progresses and abilities change, it’s common for friends to withdraw and activities to start to fall away. A person is left with few things that can offer joy, a sense of purpose and human connection,” (Sheets, Deborah, Debra Sheets, March 27, 2018,

The leading mental health concerns for the elderly are anxiety and depression.  For many elderly patients, medical marijuana is a CAM used to improve cognition and release depression.  “When cannabis is consumed, cannabinoids alter the release of neurochemicals in the brain, which changes how brain cells communicate with each other. This, in turn, affects various processes within our bodies, including appetite, pain, mood, memory and learning.  The Alzheimer Society Research Program has funded research on how endocannabinoids affect mood and anxiety in dementia and how the synthetic cannabinoid nabilone can treat agitation in Alzheimer’s disease,” ( Ultimately, cannabinoids in the medical marijuana plant may provide clarity and the opportunity to overcome cognitive disorders as they flow through the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a natural part of the human anatomy that accepts this plant as medicine by directing it to receptors that can bring the therapeutic properties to life.

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